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The Risk Management Body of Knowledge (RMBOK) should not be confused with other management bodies of knowledge, such as the Project Management Body of Knowledge, the Quality Management Body of Knowledge, or any of the other management bodies of knowledge various professions use to denote their key concepts and practices. RMBOK has been used here as an acronym to refer to this book, the Risk Management Body of Knowledge.

PMBOK™, an acronym for Project Management Body of Knowledge, is a trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. (USA). The Project Management Body of Knowledge is a different book, unrelated to the Risk Management Body of Knowledge, and the two should not be confused. The Project Management Institute, Inc. (USA) was not involved in any way in the production of the Risk Management Body of Knowledge.

SRMBOK™ is an acronym for the Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge and is a trademark of SRMBOK Pty Ltd. SRMBOK contributed significant IP to this book. The two authors of that book are co-authors of this one.

When the term RMBoK (small letter “o”) is used, it refers to the RMIA’s six certification domains. RMBoK™ (small “o”) is a trademark of the Risk Management Institution of Australasia (RMIA) and refers to the RMIA Risk Management Body of Knowledge (RMBoK). The RMIA’s Risk Management Body of Knowledge (RMBoK) is a knowledge base of six domains and a basis for certifying risk professionals. RMIA was significantly involved in the production of this book, and we are grateful for their support.

The US Patents and Trademarks Office “found no conflicting marks that would bar registration” of RMBOK. However, under the Trademark Act §2(e)(1), it declined to register RMBOK “because the applied-for mark merely describes a(n) ingredient, feature, characteristic, purpose, function, or intended audience”[1] and was descriptive rather than distinctive insomuch as it was an acronym for “Risk Management Body of Knowledge.”

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